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Google is reportedly testing a new "Draft email with voice" feature for Gmail on Android. This addition will allow users to dictate emails by speaking rather than typing.

What We Know So Far About Voice Drafting

Here's a quick rundown of what we know about the upcoming "Draft email with voice" capability:

  • A new microphone button will appear when composing emails in Gmail. Tapping this will trigger voice dictation.
  • Users can speak natural language prompts and Gmail's AI will generate email drafts based on what was said.
  • The feature supposedly rolled out to Workspace Labs users in October 2023 but hasn't reached the general public yet.
  • It's unclear if or when the capability will expand beyond Labs as an official Gmail enhancement.

How Voice Email Drafting Can Help Productivity

Enabling voice commands to kickstart email composition could have some solid productivity perks:

  • Faster drafting while multitasking or on the go.
  • Natural language dictation instead of tedious typing.
  • AI refinement so messages sound polished, not rough voice transcripts.
  • One less app to juggle since it's native Gmail functionality.
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(Image credit: AssembleDebug / TheSpAndroid)

What We Don't Know About Rollout Plans

While interface elements for voice drafting were spotted in Gmail's code, rollout timeframes remain uncertain:

  • Google hasn't officially commented on the feature's status or availability.
  • The capability seems to be in early test stages rather than consumer-ready.
  • Any launch plans likely hinge on how the Labs trial performs.
  • Scaling the feature from Workspace to general Gmail poses technical challenges.

Hopefully, Google shares more details soon so interested users know what to expect. Voice drafting would be a nifty efficiency booster for Android loyalists juggling busy schedules. We'll post any official updates as they emerge!

Frequently Asked Questions About Voice Email Drafting

What Android devices will support voice drafting?

  • Any model running Gmail with Workspace Labs enabled. So likely recent phones/tablets rather than dated ones.

Can I use voice drafting in other email clients like Outlook?

  • Not at this time. The capability is an experimental Gmail enhancement for Android.

Is any special hardware needed to try voice drafting?

  • Just an Android phone or tablet with a functioning microphone. Google's AI handles the heavy lifting.

How accurate will the AI-generated messages be?

  • Accuracy will improve over time as Google gathers more dictation data. Initially, some errors seem likely.

Will voice drafting work for personal Gmail accounts?

  • Not yet. For now, it's limited to Workspace testers. But consumer rollout could follow if trials succeed.
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