Cath Virginia / The Verge | Photos by Getty Images
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Unveiling Meta's Play in the AGI Race

In a recent exclusive interview with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the tech world witnessed a paradigm shift. Zuckerberg, already a titan in the social media and metaverse domains, is now setting his sights on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This move comes at a time when industry heavyweights like OpenAI and Google are also in pursuit of AGI, sparking a new era of competition and innovation.

Mark Zuckerberg discussing Meta's AGI shift in an exclusive interview.

The AGI Arms Race

1.1 The Unspoken Battle for AI Talent

Zuckerberg openly acknowledges the fierce talent wars in the AI arena. The demand for skilled researchers and engineers is unprecedented, with compensation packages soaring to over $1 million annually. In this cutthroat environment, CEOs like Zuckerberg find themselves directly involved, vying for key recruits to fuel their AI ambitions.

1.2 Unveiling Meta's Computing Power Play

Beyond talent, the scarcity of computing power for training large AI models is a significant hurdle. Zuckerberg reveals Meta's substantial investment, with plans to own over 340,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs by year-end, showcasing a commitment to scaling generative AI capabilities. This move positions Meta at the forefront of the computing power race, rivaling even industry giants like Microsoft.

The AGI Conundrum

2.1 AGI's Elusive Definition

A perplexing aspect of the AGI race is the lack of a clear definition. Zuckerberg, much like his counterparts, struggles to define AGI succinctly. He emphasizes the multifaceted nature of intelligence, hinting at its gradual evolution rather than a singular breakthrough moment.

2.2 Meta's AGI Focus Triggered by Llama 2

Zuckerberg attributes Meta's intensified focus on AGI to the release of Llama 2, their latest large language model. Despite initially questioning the relevance of coding in messaging apps, Meta's realization that coding is crucial for enhancing AI's intuitive logic paved the way for a broader AGI focus.

Open vs. Closed: A Philosophical Dilemma

3.1 The Debate on AGI Control

The debate over who controls AGI remains heated, especially in the aftermath of OpenAI's internal struggles. Zuckerberg outlines Meta's inclination towards open-source models, a strategy diverging from others in the field. He sees openness as a countermeasure to concentration of power and unequal access, aligning with Meta's broader vision.

3.2 Zuckerberg's Open Vision for AI

While some argue for a more closed approach citing safety concerns, Zuckerberg sees openness as a strategic advantage. He envisions Meta's open-source models influencing the AI ecosystem, consolidating Meta's influence if AGI is achieved.

Navigating Meta's AGI Landscape

4.1 Timing Amidst Metaverse Dominance

The timing of Zuckerberg's AGI push raises eyebrows, considering Meta's recent focus on the metaverse. Zuckerberg vehemently denies a pivot, emphasizing the continued commitment to Reality Labs and the metaverse. Despite investments in smart glasses and AR, AGI emerges as a critical component in Meta's hardware endeavors.

4.2 The Future: Humans Talking to AIs

Zuckerberg envisions a future where AI-generated virtual worlds coexist with real-life interactions. Meta's upcoming platform promises AI character creation for distribution across social apps, potentially revolutionizing how humans interact not only with each other but with AI entities.


1. Why is Mark Zuckerberg focusing on AGI now?

  • Zuckerberg believes in the importance of building for general intelligence to tackle ambitious AI problems.

2. How does Meta plan to compete for AI talent?

  • Meta aims to outshine competitors by offering lucrative compensation packages and investing heavily in computing power.

3. What triggered Meta's intensified AGI focus?

  • The release of Llama 2, Meta's latest language model, prompted a realization of the importance of coding for AI's intuitive logic.

4. What is Zuckerberg's stance on open-source AI models?

  • Zuckerberg advocates for openness, viewing it as a countermeasure to concentration of power and unequal access.

5. Is Meta's focus on AGI a pivot from the metaverse?

  • Zuckerberg denies a pivot, asserting Meta's continued commitment to Reality Labs and the metaverse while integrating AGI into its broader vision.
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